RHABC Officers, Board Members, and Disclaimer.

We are currently seeking new board members.

Board of Directors:
Wendy Goodwin - (413) 822-1175
Barb Hassan
Matthew Powers

This website is provided by RHABC for its members, landlords and the general public. While designed to provide information that is both accurate and authoritative in regard to the subject matter covered, it is provided with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or investment advice. If legal advice or other expert advice is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. RHABC disclaims all liability for the actions taken as a result of communications from or to its members, officers, or directors.

Affiliated With MA Landlord Association
Click Here To Apply


New Members Can Submit Their Application At Anytime.

Click Here


MassLandlords is keeping us well informed of the ongoing State of Massachusetts issues and updates. We hope you are taking advantage of their website www.masslandlords.net and seminars via Zoom.

We have lost a few Board Members who retired and moved out of the area and are now reaching out to anyone who would like to join us on the Executive Board! The obligations of board membership is nine (9) lunch meetings per year plus the four (4) quarterly member meetings. Our lunches provide brainstorming sessions for speakers and are quite enjoyable. Please reach out to Wendy at (413) 822-1175.

Are you experiencing a housing crisis??

Rent, Mortgage, Foreclosure, Utility Shutoff?

Contact Berkshire County Regional Housing Authority at 413-443-7138.

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